Our mission : Supporting companies, their executives, and shareholders

BM&A in the UK

Our UK-based office is located in central London.

BM&A works on cross-border projects between the UK and the EU to help investors, corporate executives, and lawyers to shape financial aspects of strategies or secure negotiations in a context of M&A transactions, debt restructuring and litigation.

BM&A also offers a strong expertise in financial regulations, from the UK and the EU, for the banking and insurance sectors as well as cross-border investment firms.

Based on the principle of non-exclusivity, BM&A has created a set of alliances and partnerships of 600 independent audit and consulting firms worldwide covering 130 countries : BM&A Global Alliance. Learn more about BM&A group.

Financial Consulting

Our UK Financial Consulting team is working on cross-border projects between the UK and the EU to help investors, lawyers and corporate Executives to shape financial strategies or secure negotiations in a context of projects including M&A transactions, spin-offs, carve-outs, or refinancing.

By combining facts, figures, and strategy, we deliver insightful and well-articulated financial consulting services that aim our clients to make effective strategic decisions. Our areas of expertise includes:

  • M&A Transaction Services and Financial due diligence (buy-side, sell-side)
  • Valuations in the context of M&A transactions, Purchase Price Allocation, IFRS transition
  • Business modelling to elaborate strategic decisions or support contract negotiation (e.g. refinancing, stocks award plan, restructuring)
  • Infrastructure modelling (renewable energies, oil & gas)



  • years of supporting major international and mid-sized companies, startups and scale-ups

  • languages spoken by our teams: Arabic, Dutch, German, Italian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, English, French

  • regulatory monitoring documents published by our Banking & Regulations team every year

  • offices accross Europe

Banking & regulation

We’re helping banks, financial institutions and companies to produce regulatory financial and prudential information. The London-based office provide project management skills and regulatory expertise for both UK and EU requirement schemes.

Our definition of regulatory financial and prudential reporting refers to all the risk and finance data published in templates and dataflows required by financial supervisors.

For up-to-date regulatory screening and news, ask us to receive fizReg, the experts’ hub for Financial & Business regulations.

Read more about BM&A’s Banking & regulation support


  • Assistance & Audit on data and processes:

    • Accounting and financial reporting using IFRS, FRC/UKGAAP and continental GAAPs
    • Solvency, Liquidity and Resolution regulatory reports (such as COREP, FINREP, S2QRT)
    • Internal ratios and reports (such as ICAAP, ILAAP and other risk assessments)
    • Statistical regulatory reports, External reports (« Pillar 3 ») and new Sustainability / ESG reports
  • Regulatory Screening, Training and on-request Expertise on regulations:

    EBA/ PRA: Basel 3.1 and ESG: ESMA/FCA: IFPR and markets

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