
A&nbspunique methodology

To guarantee the same quality of support for our clients, no matter the context of our work—whether in France or elsewhere in the world, whether for auditing or consulting—we rely on a unique, proven methodology that fits with our entrepreneurial values and our high standards for quality.

The strategic measures that guarantee the quality of our personalised support:

  • 01
    International partners selected according to the assignment

    We’ve chosen to create a set of alliances and partneships of 600 independent audit and consulting firms worldwide covering 130 countries : BM&A Global Alliance. Based on the principle of non-exclusivity BM&A Global Alliance enables us to guarantee responsiveness, involvement and offer tailored solutions for our clients, with a choice of offices in each country. As such, we identify the local partner that we deem to be the best fit for each assignment.

    As an entrepreneurial and independent firm, this freedom of choice is part of our DNA.


  • 02
    A single point of contact

    We believe that maintaining a single point of contact is crucial for the success of a project.

    No matter the local partner chosen, the main contact for the project is a person from the BM&A team, which remains the case for the duration of the project.

  • 03
    Strong engagement of BM&A’s teams when conducting projects internationally

    We prefer to have the letter of assignment signed between BM&A and our client. The project is managed directly by BM&A’s team and our local partner is a member of the team, operating under a subcontract.

    This approach allows us to maintain control over the quality of our services and provide more value-added to our clients.

Personalised support

  • Our solution is adapted to the needs of the project and the size of the company in question.

  • The team put together, including local partners, provides the interdisciplinary experience that we’re known for and that helps us deliver top-quality services.

  • Whether in France or elsewhere in the world, BM&A’s cross-functional approach allows us to put together a team offering all of the skills needed for the specific project.

  • custom projects per year outside of France

  • countries where we can operate

  • single point of contact at BM&A France

BM&A abroad

01 / 03
  • 7
    main hubs in Paris, Lyon, London, Rennes, Aix-en-Provence, Toulouse & Casablanca
  • 130
    countries where we are present through our international AGN network
  • +30
    international missions